The valve actuators regulates the flow of air in and out of your appliance to ensure that it’s operating at optimum efficiency. If the valve has been damaged or worn down over time, it could be causing problems for your dryer. Here are some signs that may indicate you need to replace this specific type of valve.
No Heat
If you’re having trouble getting your dryer to heat up, there are several things to check before assuming that your valve is bad. First, make sure the thermostat is turned on and set to the desired temperature. If this isn’t the issue, then check for any loose connections in the power cord or at other points where it enters or exits the machine.
After that, you should check all electrical components (thermal fuse) as well as heat elements and motors for signs of wear or damage. And if any part looks damaged or worn out, replace it immediately, as you don’t want to risk sparking an electrical fire.
The Dryer Runs But Doesn’t Dry Clothes
If your dryer is running but not drying, you may have a problem with the valve. If this part becomes worn or damaged in some way, then it can cause problems with drying times and efficiency. Some common symptoms that could indicate a bad actuator valve are when the dryer runs but doesn’t dry clothes properly (this is most common), and when there’s an excessive noise when operating.
Clothes Are Not Completely Dry
The first sign of a bad or defective valve is that your clothes are not completely dry. You may find damp spots on the clothes, or they might be wrinkled and hot to the touch when they should be warm. This can be caused by poor water circulation in your washing machine, which will lead to mildewed fabrics if you don’t take steps immediately.
Loud Noises And/or Vibrations During Operation
Lastly, if you hear loud noises or vibrations during operation, it could be an indication that your valve is bad. This is because vibration is a sign of wear and tear on the system. Replacing the said type of valve will fix this problem.
These Symptoms Indicate That Your Actuator Valve Needs A Replacement
The actuator is the part that opens and closes the dryer’s valve. This part can be accessed by removing the back panel of your dryer, which is located near where you insert clothes into it.
This small black box with wires attached to it is what controls how much heat comes out of your dryer when you turn on its heat source. If this part fails, then there will be no flow of gas into your burner chamber, and thus no fire will start up inside your machine, so your valve needs to be replaced immediately.